For my friends, I am the representation of a dream.…
My name is Kristine Bebia and I am a work of art.
Someone has appropriated my image, my name, my person, my style and I have been transformed into a work of art…
I read a book called “Laterna …
Halloween is the perfect night for the body-snatchers to operate.
Body-Snatchers hijack your body and transform you into a virtual person, hahahaha!!!!
How to get started on a path without knowing where it will lead you….
The use of a blog is problematic for what I want to do now with K. B.
Why don’t blogs have a button for “reverse time”, with the older post first?…
Her favourite colour, definitely! She must be hiding behing that french marigold, ready to stage herself in this charming, old fashioned podium behind, a lovely bandstand for the “music of identity” she is going to play for me.
This is not K. B., my Artificial_Artist from Tbilissi.
No you can’t see her yet.
This is an image plundered from her Facebook timeline and it tells already a lot on her personality. Ideally she would like to look like …
I’m starting to imagine a project using K.B. as the Artificial_Artist of Tbilissi but I’m not quite ready to show her face here yet.…